Completed projects

Completed research projects | Interdisciplinary Monitoring

Projects | Interdisciplinary Monitoring

  • OpenData4InfMon: Monitoring with GNSS sensors and open data
    The ageing infrastructure on land, rail and water requires significant resources to ensure operational safety. The monitoring of deformations, especially on bridge structures and other important infrastructure, caused by ageing, material fatigue and slow (also climate-related) ground movements, is currently very cost-intensive. It is therefore necessary to develop and evaluate mass-applicable and cost-efficient analysis methods based on open data sources combined with local GNSS sensors, which do not yet exist. The project will investigate the possibilities of strict fusion of free GNSS and radar data as well as 3D city models and traffic route plans for the purpose of better assessment of deformations on structures in combination with locally installed sensor technology, in particular on infrastructures such as railroad lines, power lines and (bridge) structures. The added value of the data is generated in particular by AI analyses and spatiotemporal parameter estimation in combination with local GNSS data.
    Led by: Ingo Neumann, Mohammad Omidalizarandi
    Team: Kourosh Shahryarinia
    Year: 2023
    Funding: Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV)
    Duration: 03/2023 – 08/2024