Land Tenure and Land Policy

The course is part of the two-part module "Land Tenure, Land Policy and Rural Development".

After attending this course, the students understand the legal and socio-political dimensions of land ownership and land use as well as the challenges of balancing public and private interests in public land policy.

Module Contents

Part 1 (Land tenure and land policy) presents the legal and socio-political dimension of land tenure. Furthermore, the interaction of land policy and land management tools in view of public and private interests is explained. This task is carried out offering both, a national and an international/comparative setting. It covers inter alia: fundamental principles of property ownership, real estate cadastre and title register, types of ownership and land use rights, social housing, land reform, informal settlements. This course is conducted on the basis of participant‘s presentations and following discussions. Certification requires regular participation and an adequate presentation.


Jörn Bannert, M. Sc.
Research Staff
Nienburger Straße 1-4
30167 Hannover
Jörn Bannert, M. Sc.
Research Staff
Nienburger Straße 1-4
30167 Hannover