Simulating quality assurance and efficiency analysis between construction management and engineering geodesy

authored by
Nils Rinke, Ilka von Gösseln, Vitali Kochkine, Jürgen Schweitzer, Volker Berkhahn, Fritz Berner, Hansjörg Kutterer, Ingo Neumann, Volker Schwieger

High-rise building construction is highly complex and involves many different disciplines. Such projects can only be accomplished efficiently and with appropriate quality by means of an overall optimized construction process. However, the understanding of the term “quality” among involved participants is not always equivalent. E.g. providing required tolerances of elevator shaft walls constantly throughout the concrete works is often a challenging task during the execution of in-situ concrete works. This paper is based on the scientific research project “Efficiency optimization and quality control of engineering geodesy processes in civil engineering” (Effizienzoptimierung und Qualitätssicherung ingenieurgeodätischer Prozesse im Bauwesen - EQuiP), which aimed at developing a method for instant quality assurance in construction based on geodetic surveying techniques, and at the same time optimizing the efficiency of the process, e.g. with respect to time. This paper shows how hierarchical and modular modeling of construction and geodetic processes using high-level Petri nets delivers a base for a real time quality evaluation and re-planning on construction site. As an example, this modeling approach is simulated for the construction of concrete stairs and elevators core of a characteristic high-rise structure. The concrete works were considered to be carried out using climbing formwork. Three different scenarios are shown in this paper. The first scenario is simulated with deterministic durations and validates the developed Petri net. The second scenario uses stochastic process durations to show the robustness of the construction process. Finally, disturbances and delays are integrated and an automated rescheduling based on prioritized alternative paths is used.

Institute for Risk and Reliability
Geodetic Institute
Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO
External Organisation(s)
University of Stuttgart
Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
Automation in construction
No. of pages
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ASJC Scopus subject areas
Control and Systems Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering, Building and Construction
Electronic version(s) (Access: Closed)

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